MH1Modern Horizons

病害計劃怪 (CT Plague Engineer)

病害計劃怪 from Modern Horizons
病害計劃怪 from Modern Horizons

生物 ~ - 病媒   {2}{B} (CMC:3)

死觸 於病害計劃怪進戰場時,選擇一種生物類別。 由對手操控的該類別生物得-1/-1。

「毒性持續定有致命之效。」 ~非瑞克西亞進展紀錄

100 MH1 • CTNicholas Gregory

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Not legal in any format.

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
You must choose an existing creature type, such as Sliver or Warrior. Card types such as artifact, and supertypes such as legendary or snow, can’t be chosen.
The choice of creature type is made as Plague Engineer enters the battlefield. Players can’t respond to this choice. The -1/-1 effect starts applying immediately.

Card Plague Engineer is not on TCGPlayer.