Modern Horizons Putrid Goblin > < Ninja of the New Moon
역병 기술자 (KR Plague Engineer)

생물 — 매개체 
치명타 역병 기술자가 전장에 들어오면서, 생물 유형 한 가지를 선택한다. 당신의 상대들이 조종하는 선택된 유형의 생물들은 -1/-1을 받는다.
"지속 효과는 예외 없이 치명적이다." —피렉시아 전염병 진행기록
100 MH1 • KRNicholas Gregory
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Not legal in any format.
Oracle Text (click to copy):
View this MTG card on Gatherer
6/14/2019 You must choose an existing creature type, such as Sliver or Warrior. Card types such as artifact, and supertypes such as legendary or snow, can’t be chosen. 6/14/2019 The choice of creature type is made as Plague Engineer enters the battlefield. Players can’t respond to this choice. The -1/-1 effect starts applying immediately.
Card Plague Engineer is not on TCGPlayer.