Modern Horizons Putrid Goblin > < Ninja of the New Moon
Diseñador de pestes (SP Plague Engineer)

Criatura — Portador 
Toque mortal. En cuanto el Diseñador de pestes entre al campo de batalla, elige un tipo de criatura. Las criaturas del tipo elegido que controlan tus oponentes obtienen -1/-1.
"Los efectos duraderos siempre son letales". —Notas de progreso pirexianas
100 MH1 • SPNicholas Gregory
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Not legal in any format.
Oracle Text (click to copy):
View this MTG card on Gatherer
6/14/2019 You must choose an existing creature type, such as Sliver or Warrior. Card types such as artifact, and supertypes such as legendary or snow, can’t be chosen. 6/14/2019 The choice of creature type is made as Plague Engineer enters the battlefield. Players can’t respond to this choice. The -1/-1 effect starts applying immediately.
Card Plague Engineer is not on TCGPlayer.