M21Core Set 2021

九つの命 (JP Nine Lives)

九つの命 from Core Set 2021
九つの命 from Core Set 2021

エンチャント   {1}{W}{W} (CMC:3)

呪禁 発生源1つがあなたにダメージを与えるなら、そのダメージを軽減し、九つの命の上に具現カウンターを1個置く。 九つの命の上に具現カウンターが9個以上あるとき、これを追放する。 九つの命が戦場を離れたとき、あなたはこのゲームに敗北する。

028 M21 • JPPaul Scott Canavan

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Not legal in any format.

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
If more than one source deals damage to you at once, prevent the damage from each of them and put that many incarnation counters on Nine Lives, even if this causes more than nine incarnation counters to be on Nine Lives. Leave it to cats to abuse loopholes.
If damage that a source would deal to you can’t be prevented, you still put an incarnation counter on Nine Lives.
Once the first triggered ability is on the stack, it won’t trigger again, even if more damage is prevented and more incarnation counters are put onto it.
If you counter the first triggered ability or otherwise remove it from the stack, it will just trigger again immediately if Nine Lives still has nine or more incarnation counters on it.
The last ability of Nine Lives triggers no matter how it leaves the battlefield.

Card Nine Lives is not on TCGPlayer.