Guilds of Ravnica Sumala Woodshaper > < Skyknight Legionnaire
Asalto sónico (SP Sonic Assault)
Instantáneo (CMC:3)
Gira la criatura objetivo. El Asalto sónico hace 2 puntos de daño al controlador de esa criatura. Recargar. (Puedes lanzar esta carta desde tu cementerio descartando una carta además de pagar sus otros costes. Luego, exilia esta carta.)
Oyó estrellas y vio truenos.
199 GRN • SPTyler Walpole — watermark: Izzet
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Pioneer,Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander,Pauper
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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10/5/2018 Sonic Assault can target a tapped creature. The creature can’t be tapped again, but Sonic Assault still deals 2 damage to that creature’s controller. 10/5/2018 If the target creature becomes an illegal target for Sonic Assault, the spell doesn’t resolve. No player is dealt damage. 10/5/2018 You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery. 10/5/2018 A spell cast using jump-start will always be exiled afterward, whether it resolves, it’s countered, or it leaves the stack in some other way. 10/5/2018 If an effect allows you to pay an alternative cost rather than a spell’s mana cost, you may pay that alternative cost when you jump-start a spell. You’ll still discard a card as an additional cost to cast it. 10/5/2018 If a card with jump-start is put into your graveyard during your turn, you’ll be able to cast it right away if it’s legal to do so, before an opponent can take any actions.
Card Sonic Assault is not on TCGPlayer.