Aether Revolt Deft Dismissal > < Deadeye Harpooner
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Уничтожьте целевой артефакт или чары. Бунт — Если находившийся под вашим контролем перманент покинул поле битвы в этом ходу, вы получаете 3 жизни.
«Главный недостаток этой конструкции — уязвимость к повторяющимся сильным ударам».
016 AER • RUJosh Hass
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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2/9/2017 If Decommission destroys a permanent you control, it will enable its own revolt ability and you’ll gain 3 life. 2/9/2017 If the target artifact or enchantment becomes an illegal target, Decommission is countered and none of its effects happen. You won’t gain life. 2/9/2017 Revolt abilities check only whether a permanent you controlled left the battlefield this turn or not. They don’t apply multiple times if more than one permanent you controlled left the battlefield. They don’t check whether the permanent that left the battlefield is still in the zone it moved to. 2/9/2017 Revolt abilities don’t care why the permanent left the battlefield, who caused it to move, or where it moved to. They’re equally satisfied by an artifact you sacrificed to pay a cost, a creature you controlled that was destroyed by Murder, or an enchantment you returned to your hand with Leave in the Dust. 2/9/2017 Tokens that leave the battlefield will satisfy a revolt ability. 2/9/2017 Energy counters aren’t permanents. Paying won’t satisfy a revolt ability.
Card Decommission is not on TCGPlayer.