World Championship 2001: Alex Borteh < TIP CARD
- (Learn) Commander 2018
- (Formats) Commander 2018
- (Lunar New Year) Global Series: Jiang Yanggu and Mu Yanling
- (Locator) Battlebond
- ( Battlebond
- (Social) Battlebond
- (UltraPRO) Battlebond
- ( Masters 25
- (Ultra•PRO) Masters 25
- (DOM) Masters 25
- (Puzzle Quest) Rivals of Ixalan
- (DOM) Rivals of Ixalan
- (Commander) Unstable
- (Social) Unstable
- (Perception) Unstable
- (Ad Cards) Unstable
- (Precognition) Unstable
- (Visualization) Unstable
- (Aesthetics) Unstable
- ( Iconic Masters
- (FNM) Iconic Masters
- (MTGO) Iconic Masters
- (Social) Iconic Masters
- (Coverage) Iconic Masters
- (Grand Prix) Iconic Masters
- (Ultra•PRO) Iconic Masters
- (mtgstory) Ixalan
- (Locator) Ixalan
- ( Ixalan
- (MTGO) Ixalan
- (Social) Ixalan
- (Twitch) Ixalan
- (Ultra•PRO) Ixalan
- (Puzzle Quest) Ixalan
- (RIX) Ixalan
- (League) Hour of Devastation
- (Events) Hour of Devastation
- (mtgstory) Hour of Devastation
- ( Hour of Devastation
- (FNM) Hour of Devastation
- (Social) Hour of Devastation
- (Ultra•PRO) Hour of Devastation
- (XLN) Hour of Devastation
- (Puzzle Quest) Hour of Devastation
- (mtgstory) Amonkhet
- ( Amonkhet
- (FNM) Amonkhet
- (Ultra•PRO) Amonkhet
- (HOU) Amonkhet
- (Puzzle Quest) Amonkhet
- (FNM) Modern Masters 2017 Edition
- (Social) Modern Masters 2017 Edition
- (DailyMTG) Modern Masters 2017 Edition
- (Grand Prix) Modern Masters 2017 Edition
- (AKH) Modern Masters 2017 Edition
- (Events) Aether Revolt
- (mtgstory) Aether Revolt
- ( Aether Revolt
- (FNM) Aether Revolt
- (Social) Aether Revolt
- (Ultra•PRO) Aether Revolt
- (AKH) Aether Revolt
- (Puzzle Quest) Aether Revolt
- (Events) Oath of the Gatewatch
- (Events) Eldritch Moon
- (Events) Kaladesh
- (Events) Shadows over Innistrad
- (mtgstory) Kaladesh
- (Gatewatch) Eldritch Moon
- (Liliana) Eldritch Moon
- (Tamiyo) Eldritch Moon
- ( Shadows over Innistrad
- ( Conspiracy: Take the Crown
- ( Oath of the Gatewatch
- ( Eldritch Moon
- ( Kaladesh
- (FNM) Eldritch Moon
- (FNM) Kaladesh
- (FNM) Shadows over Innistrad
- (FNM) Conspiracy: Take the Crown
- (FNM) Eternal Masters
- (FNM) Oath of the Gatewatch
- (MTGO) Eternal Masters
- (MTGO) Eldritch Moon
- (MTGO) Conspiracy: Take the Crown
- (Social) Eldritch Moon
- (Social) Oath of the Gatewatch
- (Social) Kaladesh
- (Social) Conspiracy: Take the Crown
- (Social) Eternal Masters
- (Merch) Eternal Masters
- (Ultra•PRO) Kaladesh
- (Ultra•PRO) Conspiracy: Take the Crown
- (Ultra•PRO) Shadows over Innistrad
- (UltraPRO) Oath of the Gatewatch
- (Ultra•PRO) Eldritch Moon
- (Arena) Oath of the Gatewatch
- (Arena) Eldritch Moon
- (Arena) Kaladesh
- (SOI) Oath of the Gatewatch
- (AER) Kaladesh
- (KLD) Eldritch Moon
- (KLD) Conspiracy: Take the Crown
- (EMN) Shadows over Innistrad
- (Puzzle Quest) Kaladesh
- (Events) Modern Masters (2015 Edition)
- (Jace) Magic Origins
- (Liliana) Magic Origins
- (Chandra) Magic Origins
- (Nissa) Magic Origins
- (Gideon) Magic Origins
- (Planeswalker Spark) Magic Origins
- (Deckbuilding) Magic Origins
- (Proportions) Magic Origins
- (Gatherer) Magic Origins
- (Uncharted Realms) Magic Origins
- (Spell Mastery) Magic Origins
- (Renown) Magic Origins
- (Double-Faced) Magic Origins
- ( Dragons of Tarkir
- ( Battle for Zendikar
- ( Fate Reforged
- (FNM) Modern Masters (2015 Edition)
- (FNM) Battle for Zendikar
- (Social) Dragons of Tarkir
- (Social) Battle for Zendikar
- ( Modern Masters (2015 Edition)
- (PWPTS) Fate Reforged
- (PWPTS) Modern Masters (2015 Edition)
- (Pro Tour) Magic Origins
- (MTGMerch) Dragons of Tarkir
- ( Modern Masters (2015 Edition)
- (Merch) Magic Origins
- (Merch) Fate Reforged
- (UltraPRO) Battle for Zendikar
- (Ultra•PRO) Fate Reforged
- (Ultra•PRO) Dragons of Tarkir
- (Ultra•PRO) Modern Masters (2015 Edition)
- (Arena) Battle for Zendikar
- (MM2) Dragons of Tarkir
- (BFZ) Magic Origins
- (FNM League) Journey into Nyx
- ( Born of the Gods
- (FNM) Born of the Gods
- (FNM League) Born of the Gods
- (FNM) Journey into Nyx
- (MTGO) Journey into Nyx
- (MTGO) Born of the Gods
- (Social) Magic 2015
- (PWPTS) Journey into Nyx
- (PWPTS) Born of the Gods
- (eBooks) Journey into Nyx
- (eBooks) Born of the Gods
- (eBooks) Magic 2015
- (IDW) Magic 2015
- (IDW) Born of the Gods
- (IDW) Journey into Nyx
- ( Journey into Nyx
- ( Khans of Tarkir
- ( Born of the Gods
- ( Magic 2015
- (Ultra•PRO) Magic 2015
- (Ultra•PRO) Khans of Tarkir
- (Ultra•PRO) Born of the Gods
- (Ultra•PRO) Journey into Nyx
- (CNS) Journey into Nyx
- (FNM League) Theros
- (Azorius) Dragon's Maze
- (Orzhov) Dragon's Maze
- (Dimir) Dragon's Maze
- (Izzet) Dragon's Maze
- (Rakdos) Dragon's Maze
- (Golgari) Dragon's Maze
- (Gruul) Dragon's Maze
- (Boros) Dragon's Maze
- (Selesnya) Dragon's Maze
- (Simic) Dragon's Maze
- ( Conspiracy
- (FNM) Theros
- (MTGO) Conspiracy
- (MTGO) Theros
- (Social) Magic 2014
- (PWP) Gatecrash
- (PWP) Dragon's Maze
- (PWP) Modern Masters
- (Planeswalker Points) Theros
- (PWP) Conspiracy
- (Pro Tour) Theros
- (eBooks) Conspiracy
- (IDW) Conspiracy
- (IDW) Theros
- (IDW) Magic 2014
- (IDW) Dragon's Maze
- (IDW) Gatecrash
- (MTGMerch) Theros
- ( Magic 2014
- (Merch) Conspiracy
- (Ultra•PRO) Magic 2014
- (Ultra•PRO) Conspiracy
- (Ultra•PRO) Dragon's Maze
- (Ultra•PRO) Theros
- (Ultra•PRO) Gatecrash
- (Magic 2014 Expansion (PEGI)) Theros
- (Magic 2014 Expansion (ESRB)) Theros
- (MMA) Dragon's Maze
- (Expansion Symbol) Magic 2013
- (Locator) Magic 2013
- ( Magic 2013
- ( Avacyn Restored
- ( Dark Ascension
- (FNM) Dark Ascension
- (MTGO) Magic 2013
- (PWP) Return to Ravnica
- (Intro Packs) Dark Ascension
- (Intro Packs) Magic 2013
- (Intro Packs) Avacyn Restored
- (Event Decks) Dark Ascension
- (Event Decks) Avacyn Restored
- (Fat Pack) Dark Ascension
- (Fat Packs) Avacyn Restored
- (Fat Packs) Magic 2013
- (IDW) Avacyn Restored
- (IDW) Magic 2013
- (IDW) Return to Ravnica
- (Ultra•PRO) Modern Masters
- (Ultra•PRO) Magic 2013
- (Ultra•PRO) Dark Ascension
- (Ultra•PRO) Return to Ravnica
- (Ultra•PRO) Avacyn Restored
- (MMA) Magic 2013
- (AVR) Dark Ascension
- (M13) Avacyn Restored
- (RTR) Magic 2013
- (1/4) New Phyrexia
- (1/5) Mirrodin Besieged
- (2/4) New Phyrexia
- (2/5) Mirrodin Besieged
- (3/5) Mirrodin Besieged
- (3/4) New Phyrexia
- (4/5) Mirrodin Besieged
- (4/4) New Phyrexia
- (5/5) Mirrodin Besieged
- (Locator) Mirrodin Besieged
- (Locator) New Phyrexia
- (FNM) Mirrodin Besieged
- (FNM) Innistrad
- (FNM) Magic 2012
- (Community) New Phyrexia
- (Community) Mirrodin Besieged
- (Intro Packs) Innistrad
- (Intro Packs) Magic 2012
- (Intro Packs) New Phyrexia
- (Event Decks) Innistrad
- (Fat Packs) New Phyrexia
- (Fat Pack) Magic 2012
- (Fat Packs) Innistrad
- (Pro Tour) Mirrodin Besieged
- (Magic Weekend) New Phyrexia
- (Magic Weekend) Magic 2012
- (IDW) Innistrad
- (Merch) Magic 2012
- (UltraPRO) Innistrad
- (Ultra•PRO) Magic 2012
- (Ultra•PRO) Mirrodin Besieged
- (Ultra•PRO) New Phyrexia
- (DKA) Innistrad
- (M12) New Phyrexia
- (ISD) Magic 2012
- (CMD) Magic 2012
- (2011101) Magic Player Rewards
- (2011102) Magic Player Rewards
- (008 Oversized (reverse)) Mirrodin Besieged
- (096 Oversized) Mirrodin Besieged
- (1/9) Magic 2011
- (1/5) Worldwake
- (1/5) Scars of Mirrodin
- (1/5) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (2/5) Scars of Mirrodin
- (2/5) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (2/9) Magic 2011
- (2/5) Worldwake
- (3/9) Magic 2011
- (3/5) Worldwake
- (3/5) Scars of Mirrodin
- (3/5) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (4/9) Magic 2011
- (4/5) Worldwake
- (4/5) Scars of Mirrodin
- (4/5) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (5/5) Scars of Mirrodin
- (5/5) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (5/9) Magic 2011
- (5/5) Worldwake
- (6/9) Magic 2011
- (7/9) Magic 2011
- (8/9) Magic 2011
- (9/9) Magic 2011
- (Locator) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (Locator) Magic 2011
- (Locator) Worldwake
- (FNM) Scars of Mirrodin
- (FNM) Worldwake
- (FNM) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (FNM) Magic 2011
- (MTGO) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (MTGO) Worldwake
- (WPN) Scars of Mirrodin
- (Community) Magic 2011
- (Community) Scars of Mirrodin
- (Intro Packs) Magic 2011
- (Intro Packs) Worldwake
- (Intro Packs) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (Intro Packs) Scars of Mirrodin
- (Fat Pack) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (Fat Packs) Magic 2011
- (Grand Prix) Magic 2011
- (Pro Tour) Worldwake
- (Novels) Worldwake
- (Ultra•PRO) Scars of Mirrodin
- (Ultra•PRO) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (Ultra•PRO) Worldwake
- (Ultra•PRO) Magic 2011
- (Sorcerer's Apprentice) Magic 2011
- (DotP) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (DotP) Magic 2011
- (DotP) Scars of Mirrodin
- (SOM) Magic 2011
- (M11) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (2010102) Magic Player Rewards
- (2010104) Magic Player Rewards
- (2010107) Magic Player Rewards
- (2010110) Magic Player Rewards
- (4 Oversized (reverse)) Rise of the Eldrazi
- (35 Oversized (reverse)) Magic 2011
- (76 Oversized (reverse)) Worldwake
- (223 Oversized (reverse)) Scars of Mirrodin
- (Multicolored) Alara Reborn
- (Urza) Zendikar
- (1/4 {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} Cards) Conflux
- (1/15) Magic 2010
- (1/3 Hybrid) Alara Reborn
- (1/5) Zendikar
- (2/3 Cascade) Alara Reborn
- (2/5) Zendikar
- (2/4 Domain) Conflux
- (2/15) Magic 2010
- (3/5) Zendikar
- (3/4 Nicol Bolas) Conflux
- (3/15) Magic 2010
- (4/4 Pack Wars) Conflux
- (4/15) Magic 2010
- (4/5) Zendikar
- (5/15) Magic 2010
- (5/5) Zendikar
- (6/15) Magic 2010
- (7/15) Magic 2010
- (8/15) Magic 2010
- (9/15) Magic 2010
- (10/15) Magic 2010
- (11/15) Magic 2010
- (12/15) Magic 2010
- (13/15) Magic 2010
- (14/15) Magic 2010
- (15/15) Magic 2010
- (FNM) Zendikar
- (FNM) Magic 2010
- (FNM) Alara Reborn
- (FNM) Conflux
- (MTGO) Alara Reborn
- (MTGO) Conflux
- (MTGO) Zendikar
- (Intro Packs) Zendikar
- (From The Vault) Conflux
- (From The Vault) Magic 2010
- (Fat Pack) Magic 2010
- (Prerelease) Alara Reborn
- (Prerelease) Conflux
- (Pro Tour) Zendikar
- (Pro Tour) Magic 2010
- (Pro Tour) Alara Reborn
- (Pro Tour) Conflux
- (Novels) Alara Reborn
- (Novels) Conflux
- (Novels) Magic 2010
- (Novels) Zendikar
- (Comics) Zendikar
- (Planeswalker's Guide) Conflux
- (Ultra•PRO) Alara Reborn
- (Ultra•PRO) Conflux
- (Ultra•PRO) Zendikar
- (Ultra•PRO) Magic 2010
- (ZEN) Magic 2010
- (2008101) Magic Player Rewards
- (2009104) Magic Player Rewards
- (2009107) Magic Player Rewards
- (2009110) Magic Player Rewards
- (60 Oversized (reverse)) Alara Reborn
- (146 Oversized (reverse)) Magic 2010
- (178 Oversized (reverse)) Zendikar
- (1/6 {Q}) Shadowmoor
- (1/5 Creature Types) Morningtide
- (1/5 Bant) Shards of Alara
- (2/5 Kinship) Morningtide
- (2/5 Esper) Shards of Alara
- (2/6 Counters) Shadowmoor
- (3/5 Grixis) Shards of Alara
- (3/6 Hybrid) Shadowmoor
- (3/5 Prowl) Morningtide
- (4/6 Conspire) Shadowmoor
- (4/5 Clash) Morningtide
- (4/5 Jund) Shards of Alara
- (5/6 Persist) Shadowmoor
- (5/5 Equipment) Morningtide
- (5/5 Naya) Shards of Alara
- (6/6 Wither) Shadowmoor
- (2HG) Eventide
- (Player Rewards) Morningtide
- ({Q}) Eventide
- (Chroma) Eventide
- (Persist) Eventide
- (Wither) Eventide
- (Retrace) Eventide
- (Hybrid Mana Symbols) Eventide
- (Counters) Eventide
- ( Morningtide
- ( Shadowmoor
- ( Eventide
- (FNM) Shadowmoor
- (FNM) Eventide
- (FNM) Shards of Alara
- (FNM) Morningtide
- (MTGO) Shards of Alara
- (MTGO) Eventide
- (Gleemax) Shadowmoor
- ( Eventide
- ( 2) Shards of Alara
- (From the Vault) Eventide
- (Fat Pack) Shadowmoor
- (Fat Pack) Eventide
- (Organized Play) Shadowmoor
- (Organized Play) Morningtide
- (Prerelease) Morningtide
- (Prerelease) Shadowmoor
- (Launch Party) Eventide
- (Grand Prix) Eventide
- (Pro Tour) Shards of Alara
- (15th Anniversary) Shadowmoor
- (15th Anniversary) Eventide
- (Books) Shards of Alara
- (Novels) Shadowmoor
- (Novels) Eventide
- (Ultra•PRO) Eventide
- (Ultra•PRO) Shards of Alara
- (131 Oversized (reverse)) Shards of Alara
- (Events) 10th Edition
- (1/12 Two-Card Combos) 10th Edition
- (1/5 The Basics) Lorwyn
- (2/5 Planeswalker Abilities) Lorwyn
- (2/12 Two-Card Combos) 10th Edition
- (3/5 Fighting) Lorwyn
- (3/12 Two-Card Combos) 10th Edition
- (4/5 Clash) Lorwyn
- (4/12 Two-Card Combos) 10th Edition
- (5/5 Tribal) Lorwyn
- (5/12 Turn) 10th Edition
- (6/12 Legends) 10th Edition
- (7/12 Building A Deck) 10th Edition
- (8/12 Limited Formats) 10th Edition
- (9/12 Sideboarding) 10th Edition
- (10/12 Timing) 10th Edition
- (11/12 Gatherer) 10th Edition
- (12/12 The Stack) 10th Edition
- (Player Rewards) 10th Edition
- (Player Rewards) Lorwyn
- ( Lorwyn
- (FNM) 10th Edition
- (FNM) Lorwyn
- ( 10th Edition
- (Organized Play) Lorwyn
- (Prerelease) 10th Edition
- (Prerelease) Lorwyn
- (TSP) Coldsnap
- (Azorius) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Orzhov) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Dimir) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Izzet) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Rakdos) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Golgari) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Gruul) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Boros) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Selesnya) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Simic) Ravnica: City of Guilds
- (Bio) World Championship 2004: Julien Nuijten
- (Bio) World Championship 2004: Manuel Bevand
- (Bio) World Championship 2004: Aeo Paquette
- (Bio) World Championship 2004: Gabriel Nassif
- (Decklist) World Championship 2004: Gabriel Nassif
- (Decklist) World Championship 2004: Aeo Paquette
- (Decklist) World Championship 2004: Julien Nuijten
- (Decklist) World Championship 2004: Manuel Bevand
- (World Championship Decks) World Championship 2004: Aeo Paquette
- (World Championship Decks) World Championship 2004: Julien Nuijten
- (World Championship Decks) World Championship 2004: Manuel Bevand
- (World Championship Decks) World Championship 2004: Gabriel Nassif
- (Bio) World Championship 2003: Dave Humpherys
- (Bio) World Championship 2003: Peer Kröger
- (Bio) World Championship 2003: Wolfgang Eder
- (Bio) World Championship 2003: Daniel Zink
- (Decklist) World Championship 2003: Dave Humpherys
- (Decklist) World Championship 2003: Peer Kröger
- (Decklist) World Championship 2003: Daniel Zink
- (Decklist) World Championship 2003: Wolfgang Eder
- (World Championship Decks) World Championship 2003: Peer Kröger
- (World Championship Decks) World Championship 2003: Daniel Zink
- (World Championship Decks) World Championship 2003: Wolfgang Eder
- (World Championship Decks) World Championship 2003: Dave Humpherys
- (Bio) World Championship 2001: Antoine Ruel
- (Decklist) World Championship 2001: Antoine Ruel
- (Collect All Four) World Championship 2001: Antoine Ruel
- (Bio) World Championship 2001: Alex Borteh
- (Decklist) World Championship 2001: Alex Borteh
- (Bio) World Championship 2001: Tom van de Logt
- (Decklist) World Championship 2001: Tom van de Logt
- (Collect All Four) World Championship 2001: Tom van de Logt
- (Bio) World Championship 2000: John Finkel
- (Bio) World Championship 2000: Janosch Kühn
- (Bio) World Championship 2000: Tom van de Logt
- (Decklist) World Championship 2000: John Finkel
- (Decklist) World Championship 2000: Janosch Kühn
- (Decklist) World Championship 2000: Tom van de Logt
- (Collect All Four) World Championship 2000: John Finkel
- (Collect All Four) World Championship 2000: Janosch Kühn
- (Collect All Four) World Championship 2000: Tom van de Logt
- (Bio) World Championship 2000: Nicolas Labarre
- (Decklist) World Championship 2000: Nicolas Labarre
- (Collect All Four) World Championship 2000: Nicolas Labarre
- (2) Promo set for Gatherer
- (Customer Service) Introductory Two-Player Set
- (DCI) Introductory Two-Player Set
- (Booster Packs) Introductory Two-Player Set
- (MI) Introductory Two-Player Set
- (1) Promo set for Gatherer
- (001 Promo) Promotional
Other Printings in EN:
Collect All Four WC01-02 • ENWizards
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Check rarity
Not legal in any format.
Oracle Text (click to copy):
Tip cards not available on TCG.