RNARavnica Allegiance

생명술사의 소환수 (KR Biomancer's Familiar)

생명술사의 소환수 from Ravnica Allegiance
생명술사의 소환수 from Ravnica Allegiance

생물 — 돌연변이   {G}{U} (CMC:2)

당신이 조종하는 생물들의 활성화능력은 활성화하는 데 {2}가 덜 든다. 이 효과는 능력의 활성화 비용의 마나 양을 마나 한 개 미만으로 줄일 수 없다. {T}: 생물을 목표로 정한다. 이 턴에 다음으로 그 생물이 적응할 때 +1/+1 카운터를 가지고 있지 않은 것처럼 적응한다.

19—20 January 2019

158 Prerelease RNA ★ KRIzzy — watermark: Simic

Legal in: Pioneer,Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):
Activated abilities contain a colon. They’re generally written “[Cost]: [Effect].” Some keyword abilities are activated abilities and will have colons in their reminder text. Triggered abilities (starting with “when,” “whenever,” or “at”) are unaffected by the cost reduction ability of Biomancer’s Familiar.
Biomancer’s Familiar affects only abilities of creatures you control on the battlefield. The costs of activated abilities of creature cards that work in other zones (such as cycling) won’t be reduced.
An ability that has only one generic mana and some amount of other mana symbols in its activation cost will have its cost reduced by .
The last ability of Biomancer’s Familiar doesn’t add or remove any counters. It just lets the creature adapt despite already having +1/+1 counters on it.

Card Biomancer\'s Familiar is not on TCGPlayer.