Released on Monday, October 1, 2001.
Printed in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, and Portuguese (Brazil).
Aegis of Honor (001)
Ancestral Tribute (002)
Angelic Wall (003)
Animal Boneyard (004)
Auramancer (005)
Aven Archer (006)
Aven Cloudchaser (007)
Aven Flock (008)
Aven Shrine (009)
Balancing Act (10)
Beloved Chaplain (11)
Blessed Orator (12)
Cantivore (13)
Cease-Fire (14)
Confessor (15)
Dedicated Martyr (16)
Delaying Shield (17)
Devoted Caretaker (18)
Divine Sacrament (19)
Dogged Hunter (20)
Earnest Fellowship (21)
Embolden (22)
Gallantry (23)
Graceful Antelope (24)
Hallowed Healer (25)
Karmic Justice (26)
Kirtar's Desire (27)
Kirtar's Wrath (28)
Lieutenant Kirtar (29)
Life Burst (30)
Luminous Guardian (31)
Master Apothecary (32)
Mystic Crusader (33)
Mystic Penitent (34)
Mystic Visionary (35)
Mystic Zealot (36)
Nomad Decoy (37)
Patrol Hound (38)
Pianna, Nomad Captain (39)
Pilgrim of Justice (40)
Pilgrim of Virtue (41)
Ray of Distortion (42)
Resilient Wanderer (43)
Sacred Rites (44)
Second Thoughts (45)
Shelter (46)
Soulcatcher (47)
Sphere of Duty (48)
Sphere of Grace (49)
Sphere of Law (50)
Sphere of Reason (51)
Sphere of Truth (52)
Spiritualize (53)
Tattoo Ward (54)
Testament of Faith (55)
Tireless Tribe (56)
Wayward Angel (57)
Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor (58)
Aboshan's Desire (59)
Aether Burst (60)
Amugaba (61)
Aura Graft (62)
Aven Fisher (63)
Aven Smokeweaver (64)
Aven Windreader (65)
Balshan Beguiler (66)
Balshan Griffin (67)
Bamboozle (68)
Battle of Wits (69)
Careful Study (70)
Cephalid Broker (71)
Cephalid Looter (72)
Cephalid Retainer (73)
Cephalid Scout (74)
Cephalid Shrine (75)
Chamber of Manipulation (76)
Cognivore (77)
Concentrate (78)
Cultural Exchange (79)
Deluge (80)
Dematerialize (81)
Divert (82)
Dreamwinder (83)
Escape Artist (84)
Extract (85)
Fervent Denial (86)
Immobilizing Ink (87)
Laquatus's Creativity (88)
Patron Wizard (89)
Pedantic Learning (90)
Peek (91)
Persuasion (92)
Phantom Whelp (93)
Predict (94)
Psionic Gift (95)
Pulsating Illusion (96)
Puppeteer (97)
Repel (98)
Rites of Refusal (99)
Scrivener (100)
Shifty Doppelganger (101)
Standstill (102)
Syncopate (103)
Think Tank (104)
Thought Devourer (105)
Thought Eater (106)
Thought Nibbler (107)
Time Stretch (108)
Touch of Invisibility (109)
Traumatize (110)
Treetop Sentinel (111)
Unifying Theory (112)
Upheaval (113)
Words of Wisdom (114)
Afflict (115)
Bloodcurdler (116)
Braids, Cabal Minion (117)
Buried Alive (118)
Cabal Inquisitor (119)
Cabal Patriarch (120)
Cabal Shrine (121)
Caustic Tar (122)
Childhood Horror (123)
Coffin Purge (124)
Crypt Creeper (125)
Cursed Monstrosity (126)
Decaying Soil (127)
Decompose (128)
Diabolic Tutor (129)
Dirty Wererat (130)
Dusk Imp (131)
Entomb (132)
Execute (133)
Face of Fear (134)
Famished Ghoul (135)
Filthy Cur (136)
Fledgling Imp (137)
Frightcrawler (138)
Ghastly Demise (139)
Gravedigger (140)
Gravestorm (141)
Haunting Echoes (142)
Hint of Insanity (143)
Infected Vermin (144)
Innocent Blood (145)
Last Rites (146)
Malevolent Awakening (147)
Mind Burst (148)
Mindslicer (149)
Morbid Hunger (150)
Morgue Theft (151)
Mortivore (152)
Nefarious Lich (153)
Overeager Apprentice (154)
Painbringer (155)
Patriarch's Desire (156)
Repentant Vampire (157)
Rotting Giant (158)
Sadistic Hypnotist (159)
Screams of the Damned (160)
Skeletal Scrying (161)
Skull Fracture (162)
Stalking Bloodsucker (163)
Tainted Pact (164)
Tombfire (165)
Traveling Plague (166)
Whispering Shade (167)
Zombie Assassin (168)
Zombie Cannibal (169)
Zombie Infestation (170)
Zombify (171)
Acceptable Losses (172)
Anarchist (173)
Ashen Firebeast (174)
Barbarian Lunatic (175)
Bash to Bits (176)
Battle Strain (177)
Blazing Salvo (178)
Bomb Squad (179)
Burning Sands (180)
Chainflinger (181)
Chance Encounter (182)
Demolish (183)
Demoralize (184)
Dwarven Grunt (185)
Dwarven Recruiter (186)
Dwarven Shrine (187)
Dwarven Strike Force (188)
Earth Rift (189)
Ember Beast (190)
Engulfing Flames (191)
Epicenter (192)
Firebolt (193)
Flame Burst (194)
Frenetic Ogre (195)
Halberdier (196)
Impulsive Maneuvers (197)
Kamahl, Pit Fighter (198)
Kamahl's Desire (199)
Lava Blister (200)
Liquid Fire (201)
Mad Dog (202)
Magma Vein (203)
Magnivore (204)
Mine Layer (205)
Minotaur Explorer (206)
Molten Influence (207)
Mudhole (208)
Need for Speed (209)
Obstinate Familiar (210)
Pardic Firecat (211)
Pardic Miner (212)
Pardic Swordsmith (213)
Price of Glory (214)
Reckless Charge (215)
Recoup (216)
Rites of Initiation (217)
Savage Firecat (218)
Scorching Missile (219)
Seize the Day (220)
Shower of Coals (221)
Spark Mage (222)
Steam Vines (223)
Thermal Blast (224)
Tremble (225)
Volcanic Spray (226)
Volley of Boulders (227)
Whipkeeper (228)
Bearscape (229)
Beast Attack (230)
Call of the Herd (231)
Cartographer (232)
Chatter of the Squirrel (233)
Chlorophant (234)
Crashing Centaur (235)
Deep Reconnaissance (236)
Diligent Farmhand (237)
Druid Lyrist (238)
Druid's Call (239)
Elephant Ambush (240)
Gorilla Titan (241)
Ground Seal (242)
Holistic Wisdom (243)
Howling Gale (244)
Ivy Elemental (245)
Krosan Archer (246)
Krosan Avenger (247)
Krosan Beast (248)
Leaf Dancer (249)
Metamorphic Wurm (250)
Moment's Peace (251)
Muscle Burst (252)
Nantuko Disciple (253)
Nantuko Elder (254)
Nantuko Mentor (255)
Nantuko Shrine (256)
New Frontiers (257)
Nimble Mongoose (258)
Nut Collector (259)
Overrun (260)
Piper's Melody (261)
Primal Frenzy (262)
Rabid Elephant (263)
Refresh (264)
Rites of Spring (265)
Roar of the Wurm (266)
Seton, Krosan Protector (267)
Seton's Desire (268)
Simplify (269)
Skyshooter (270)
Spellbane Centaur (271)
Springing Tiger (272)
Squirrel Mob (273)
Squirrel Nest (274)
Still Life (275)
Stone-Tongue Basilisk (276)
Sylvan Might (277)
Terravore (278)
Twigwalker (279)
Verdant Succession (280)
Vivify (281)
Werebear (282)
Wild Mongrel (283)
Woodland Druid (284)
Zoologist (285)
Atogatog (286)
Decimate (287)
Iridescent Angel (288)
Lithatog (289)
Mystic Enforcer (290)
Phantatog (291)
Psychatog (292)
Sarcatog (293)
Shadowmage Infiltrator (294)
Thaumatog (295)
Vampiric Dragon (296)
Catalyst Stone (297)
Charmed Pendant (298)
Darkwater Egg (299)
Junk Golem (300)
Limestone Golem (301)
Millikin (302)
Mirari (303)
Mossfire Egg (304)
Otarian Juggernaut (305)
Patchwork Gnomes (306)
Sandstone Deadfall (307)
Shadowblood Egg (308)
Skycloud Egg (309)
Steamclaw (310)
Sungrass Egg (311)
Abandoned Outpost (312)
Barbarian Ring (313)
Bog Wreckage (314)
Cabal Pit (315)
Centaur Garden (316)
Cephalid Coliseum (317)
Crystal Quarry (318)
Darkwater Catacombs (319)
Deserted Temple (320)
Mossfire Valley (321)
Nomad Stadium (322)
Petrified Field (323)
Ravaged Highlands (324)
Seafloor Debris (325)
Shadowblood Ridge (326)
Skycloud Expanse (327)
Sungrass Prairie (328)
Tarnished Citadel (329)
Timberland Ruins (330)
Plains (331)
Plains (332)
Plains (333)
Plains (334)
Island (335)
Island (336)
Island (337)
Island (338)
Swamp (339)
Swamp (340)
Swamp (341)
Swamp (342)
Mountain (343)
Mountain (344)
Mountain (345)
Mountain (346)
Forest (347)
Forest (348)
Forest (349)
Forest (350)