Betrayers of Kamigawa
Released on Friday, February 4, 2005.
Day of Destiny (1)
Empty-Shrine Kannushi (2)
Faithful Squire // Kaiso, Memory of Loyalty (3)
Final Judgment (4)
Genju of the Fields (5)
Heart of Light (6)
Hokori, Dust Drinker (7)
Hundred-Talon Strike (8)
Indebted Samurai (9)
Kami of False Hope (10)
Kami of Tattered Shoji (11)
Kami of the Honored Dead (12)
Kentaro, the Smiling Cat (13)
Kitsune Palliator (14)
Mending Hands (15)
Moonlit Strider (16)
Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo (17)
Oyobi, Who Split the Heavens (18)
Patron of the Kitsune (19)
Scour (20)
Shining Shoal (21)
Silverstorm Samurai (22)
Split-Tail Miko (23)
Takeno's Cavalry (24)
Tallowisp (25)
Terashi's Grasp (26)
Terashi's Verdict (27)
Ward of Piety (28)
Waxmane Baku (29)
Yomiji, Who Bars the Way (30)
Callow Jushi // Jaraku the Interloper (31)
Chisei, Heart of Oceans (32)
Disrupting Shoal (33)
Floodbringer (34)
Genju of the Falls (35)
Heed the Mists (36)
Higure, the Still Wind (37)
Jetting Glasskite (38)
Kaijin of the Vanishing Touch (39)
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner (40)
Minamo Sightbender (41)
Minamo's Meddling (42)
Mistblade Shinobi (43)
Ninja of the Deep Hours (44)
Patron of the Moon (45)
Phantom Wings (46)
Quash (47)
Quillmane Baku (48)
Reduce to Dreams (49)
Ribbons of the Reikai (50)
Shimmering Glasskite (51)
Soratami Mindsweeper (52)
Stream of Consciousness (53)
Sway of the Stars (54)
Teardrop Kami (55)
Threads of Disloyalty (56)
Toils of Night and Day (57)
Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar (58)
Veil of Secrecy (59)
Walker of Secret Ways (60)
Bile Urchin (61)
Blessing of Leeches (62)
Call for Blood (63)
Crawling Filth (64)
Eradicate (65)
Genju of the Fens (66)
Goryo's Vengeance (67)
Hero's Demise (68)
Hired Muscle // Scarmaker (69)
Horobi's Whisper (70)
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni (71)
Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse (72)
Mark of the Oni (73)
Nezumi Shadow-Watcher (74)
Ogre Marauder (75)
Okiba-Gang Shinobi (76)
Patron of the Nezumi (77)
Psychic Spear (78)
Pus Kami (79)
Scourge of Numai (80)
Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker (81)
Sickening Shoal (82)
Skullmane Baku (83)
Skullsnatcher (84)
Stir the Grave (85)
Takenuma Bleeder (86)
Three Tragedies (87)
Throat Slitter (88)
Toshiro Umezawa (89)
Yukora, the Prisoner (90)
Akki Blizzard-Herder (91)
Akki Raider (92)
Ashen Monstrosity (93)
Aura Barbs (94)
Blademane Baku (95)
Blazing Shoal (96)
Clash of Realities (97)
Crack the Earth (98)
Cunning Bandit // Azamuki, Treachery Incarnate (99)
First Volley (100)
Flames of the Blood Hand (101)
Frost Ogre (102)
Frostling (103)
Fumiko the Lowblood (104)
Genju of the Spires (105)
Goblin Cohort (106)
Heartless Hidetsugu (107)
In the Web of War (108)
Ire of Kaminari (109)
Ishi-Ishi, Akki Crackshot (110)
Kumano's Blessing (111)
Mannichi, the Fevered Dream (112)
Ogre Recluse (113)
Overblaze (114)
Patron of the Akki (115)
Ronin Cliffrider (116)
Shinka Gatekeeper (117)
Sowing Salt (118)
Torrent of Stone (119)
Twist Allegiance (120)
Body of Jukai (121)
Budoka Pupil // Ichiga, Who Topples Oaks (122)
Child of Thorns (123)
Enshrined Memories (124)
Forked-Branch Garami (125)
Genju of the Cedars (126)
Gnarled Mass (127)
Harbinger of Spring (128)
Isao, Enlightened Bushi (129)
Iwamori of the Open Fist (130)
Kodama of the Center Tree (131)
Lifegift (132)
Lifespinner (133)
Loam Dweller (134)
Mark of Sakiko (135)
Matsu-Tribe Sniper (136)
Nourishing Shoal (137)
Patron of the Orochi (138)
Petalmane Baku (139)
Roar of Jukai (140)
Sakiko, Mother of Summer (141)
Sakura-Tribe Springcaller (142)
Scaled Hulk (143)
Shizuko, Caller of Autumn (144)
Sosuke's Summons (145)
Splinter (146)
Traproot Kami (147)
Unchecked Growth (148)
Uproot (149)
Vital Surge (150)
Genju of the Realm (151)
Baku Altar (152)
Blinding Powder (153)
Mirror Gallery (154)
Neko-Te (155)
Orb of Dreams (156)
Ornate Kanzashi (157)
Ronin Warclub (158)
Shuko (159)
Shuriken (160)
Slumbering Tora (161)
That Which Was Taken (162)
Umezawa's Jitte (163)
Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai (164)
Tendo Ice Bridge (165)
Spirit (TODO)
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni (71 Prerelease)
Budoka Pupil // Ichiga, Who Topples Oaks (*122)