This is a placeholder for a more advanced search for rare cards in WL.
- Abeyance
- Aboroth
- Alabaster Dragon
- Ancestral Knowledge
- Avizoa
- Bone Dancer
- Bösium Strip
- Bubble Matrix
- Call of the Wild
- Debt of Loyalty
- Dense Foliage
- Doomsday
- Dwarven Thaumaturgist
- Ertai's Familiar
- Fervor
- Firestorm
- Fungus Elemental
- Gallowbraid
- Goblin Bomb
- Heart of Bogardan
- Heat Stroke
- Infernal Tribute
- Inner Sanctum
- Liege of the Hollows
- Lotus Vale
- Mana Web
- Maraxus of Keld
- Morinfen
- Mwonvuli Ooze
- Nature's Resurgence
- Null Rod
- Paradigm Shift
- Peacekeeper
- Pendrell Mists
- Psychic Vortex
- Scorched Ruins
- Serenity
- Southern Paladin
- Tariff
- Thran Tome
- Thundermare
- Tolarian Entrancer
- Tolarian Serpent
- Tranquil Grove
- Urborg Justice
- Urborg Stalker
- Wave of Terror
- Well of Knowledge
- Winding Canyons
- Xanthic Statue