Known Gatherer Issues
We've compiled a list of known gatherer issues. If you find others, please let us know so we can post.
The site is not mobile-friendly.- Does not contain promos or all tokens (but we do!).
- The new flip planeswalkers are missing the color indicator in the gatherer information.
- Missing all Renaissance Cards.
- 6th Edition lands: all have the same image!
- Portal Three Kingdoms: Missing entries for non-english printings of cards (Japanese, Chinese simplified and traditional).
- IT Null Caller: Image missing.
- Our Market Research Shows That Players Like Really Long Card Names So We Made this Card to Have the Absolute Longest Card Name Ever Elemental: Gatherer contains french version of card but does not show alternate languages for the card nor does it have the card image.
- Triassic Egg: Printing shows ocT instead of {oT}
- Voodoo Doll: Printing shows ocT instead of {oT}
- Duel Decks: Elspeth vs. Tezzeret: Missing images for alternate language cards for many sets.
- Tainted Monkey: Flavor text missing !
- Action Jackson: Flavor text missing !
- Abbey Matron: 2nd version shows same image.
- Aliban's Tower: 2nd version shows same image (same is true for many of the Homelands cards).
- Feast of the Unicorn: showing the same version for each variation (should be this).
- Avatar of Hope: PPR version and several other PPR cards are missing card image.
- Erg Raiders: What is the difference between the two versions?
- Bazaar of Baghdad: (and several other cards) are missing artist credit.
- The Ultimate Nightmare of Wizards of the Coast® Customer Service: mana cost is missing {X} and {Y}
- Cheap Ass: does not show the mana symbol.
- Questing Phelddagrif: is showing a blank card image instead of this.