Champions of Kamigawa Cleanfall > < Call to Glory
Glimmen der Kerzen (DE Candles' Glow)
Spontanzauber - Arkan (CMC:2)
Verhindere die nächsten 3 Schadenspunkte, die einer Kreatur oder einem Spieler deiner Wahl in diesem Zug zugefügt würden. Du erhältst 1 Lebenspunkt für jeden auf diese Weise verhinderten Schadenspunkt dazu. Arkane Kopplung (Sowie du einen arkanen Zauberspruch spielst, kannst du diese Karte aus deiner Hand vorzeigen und ihre Kopplungskosten bezahlen. Falls du dies tust, füge dem Zauberspruch den Effekt dieser Karte hinzu.)
005 CHK • DEAlan Pollack
™ & © 1993—2004 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Kamigawa Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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6/7/2013 You reveal all cards you intend to splice at the same time. Each individual card can be spliced only once onto any one spell. 6/7/2013 A card with a splice ability can't be spliced onto itself because the spell is on the stack (and not in your hand) when you reveal the cards you want to splice onto it. 6/7/2013 You choose all targets for the spell after revealing cards you want to splice, including any targets required by the text of any of those cards. You may choose a different target for each instance of the word "target" on the resulting spell. 6/7/2013 If all of the spell's targets are illegal when the spell tries to resolve, it will be countered and none of its effects will happen.
Card Candles' Glow is not on TCGPlayer.