ZNRZendikar Rising

Dominação do Mago Anulador (PT Lullmage's Domination)

Dominação do Mago Anulador from Zendikar Rising
Dominação do Mago Anulador from Zendikar Rising

Feitiço   {X}{U}{U}{U} (CMC:3)

Esta mágica custa {3} a menos para ser conjurada se tiver como alvo uma criatura cujo controlador tem oito ou mais cards no próprio cemitério. Ganhe o controle da criatura alvo com custo de mana convertido igual a X.

"Uma mágica para acalmar o Turbilhão, outra para suprimir a vontade. O princípio é o mesmo."

066 ZNR • PTZezhou Chen

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Standard,Brawl,Pioneer,Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
An ability that offers a bonus if an opponent has eight or more cards in their graveyard won’t provide additional benefits if more than one opponent has eight or more cards in their graveyard. There are also no additional benefits no matter how many cards are in an opponent’s graveyard, as long as there are at least eight.
In a multiplayer game, once an opponent leaves the game, they won’t be considered for such an effect, no matter how many cards they had in their graveyard before leaving the game.

Card Lullmage\'s Domination is not on TCGPlayer.