M21Core Set 2021

尊貴議長妮安碧 (CT Niambi, Esteemed Speaker)

尊貴議長妮安碧 from Core Set 2021
尊貴議長妮安碧 from Core Set 2021

傳奇生物 ~ - 人類/僧侶   {W}{U} (CMC:2)

閃現 當尊貴議長妮安碧進戰場時,你可以將另一個目標由你操控的生物移回其擁有者手上。若你如此作,則你獲得等同於該生物總魔法力費用的生命。 {1}{W}{U}{T},棄一張傳奇牌:抽兩張牌。

222 M21 • CTEric Deschamps

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Not legal in any format.

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
If a creature on the battlefield has in its mana cost, X is considered to be 0.
If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Niambi’s triggered ability tries to resolve, the ability won’t resolve. You won’t return the card from the zone it moved to or gain any life.

Card Niambi, Esteemed Speaker is not on TCGPlayer.