M21Core Set 2021

숲그늘 추적자 (KR Canopy Stalker)

숲그늘 추적자 from Core Set 2021
숲그늘 추적자 from Core Set 2021

생물 — 고양이   {3}{G} (CMC:4)

숲그늘 추적자는 가능하면 방어되어야 한다. 숲그늘 추적자가 죽을 때, 당신은 이번 턴에 죽은 각 생물마다 생명 1점을 얻는다.

숲의 지붕은 그늘과 은신처, 그리고 현격히 높아진 갑작스런 죽음의 위험성을 함께 제공한다.

175 M21 • KRIlse Gort

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Not legal in any format.

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
Only one creature is required to block Canopy Stalker. Other creatures may also block it, and are free to block other creatures or not block at all.
The defending player, not you, chooses which creature blocks Canopy Stalker.
If each creature the defending player controls can’t block for any reason (such as being tapped), then Canopy Stalker isn’t blocked. If there’s a cost associated with blocking Canopy Stalker, the defending player isn’t forced to pay that cost, so it doesn’t have to be blocked in that case either.
Canopy Stalker’s triggered ability counts itself, as well as any other creatures that die before the triggered ability resolves.
If your life total is brought to 0 or less at the same time that Canopy Stalker is dealt lethal damage, you lose the game before its last ability goes on the stack.

Card Canopy Stalker is not on TCGPlayer.