Ikoria Commander Terminate > < Rashmi, Eternities Crafter
Temur-Amulett (DE Temur Charm)


Bestimme eines —
• Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du kontrollierst, erhält +1/+1 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Sie kämpft gegen eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die du nicht kontrollierst.
• Neutralisiere einen Zauberspruch deiner Wahl, es sei denn, sein Beherrscher bezahlt .
• Kreaturen mit Stärke 3 oder weniger können in diesem Zug nicht blocken.
230 C20 • DEMathias Kollros
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Khans of Tarkir Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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9/20/2014 You can’t cast Temur Charm choosing the first mode unless you target both a creature you control and a creature you don’t control. 9/20/2014 If the first mode was chosen and either target is an illegal target when Temur Charm tries to resolve, neither creature will deal or be dealt damage. 9/20/2014 If the first mode was chosen and just the creature you control is an illegal target when Temur Charm tries to resolve, it won’t get +1/+1 until end of turn. If the creature you control is a legal target but the creature you don’t control isn’t, the creature you control will get +1/+1 until end of turn. 9/20/2014 If the third mode was chosen, creatures with power 3 or less that enter the battlefield after Temur Charm resolves also can’t block. A creature whose power was 4 or greater when Temur Charm resolved but is 3 or less as the declare blockers step begins also can’t block.
Card Temur Charm is not on TCGPlayer.