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Atris, Orakel der Halbwahrheiten (DE Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths)
Legendäre Kreatur — Mensch, Berater (CMC:4)
Bedrohlich Wenn Atris, Orakel der Halbwahrheiten, ins Spiel kommt, schaut sich ein Gegner deiner Wahl die obersten drei Karten deiner Bibliothek an und teilt sie in einen verdeckten und einen aufgedeckten Haufen auf. Nimm die Karten des einen Haufens auf deine Hand und lege die anderen auf deinen Friedhof.
209 THB • DEBastien L. Deharme
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Not legal in any format.
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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1/24/2020 You choose just one target opponent to look at the top three cards of your library and put them into piles. Other players can’t look, but they may attempt to offer advice without knowing what cards are there. The player who looks may also tell other players truths about those cards, or half-truths, or outright lies. 1/24/2020 You don’t have to reveal the cards in the face-down pile if you put it into your hand. 1/24/2020 The opponent may split the cards into one pile of three and one pile of zero. The pile of three cards could be the face-up pile or the face-down pile. Sometimes your opponents seem very friendly, but keep in mind which god Atris serves.
Card Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths is not on TCGPlayer.