ELDThrone of Eldraine

Despreciable de Fortalezarza (SP Bramblefort Fink)

Despreciable de Fortalezarza from Throne of Eldraine
Despreciable de Fortalezarza from Throne of Eldraine

Criatura — Oufé   {1}{G} (CMC:2)

{8}: El Despreciable de Fortalezarza tiene una fuerza y resistencia base de 10/10 hasta el final del turno. Activa esta habilidad solo si controlas un planeswalker Oko.

No importa cuán crueles sean las bromas de Oko; siempre tiene garantizada la carcajada del sicofante.

311 ELD • SPUriah Voth

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Not legal in any format.

Oracle Text (click to copy):

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Whether you control an Oko planeswalker is checked only as you begin to activate Bramblefort Fink’s ability. It doesn’t matter if Oko leaves the battlefield before the ability resolves or later in the turn.
Any effects that modify Bramblefort Fink’s power and/or toughness without setting them to a specific number or value will apply after its base power and toughness are set, regardless of the order in which those effects were created. The same is true of counters that modify its power and toughness.

Card Bramblefort Fink is not on TCGPlayer.