Throne of Eldraine Keeper of Fables > < The Great Henge
Apetito insaciable (SP Insatiable Appetite)

Puedes sacrificar una Comida. Si lo haces, la criatura objetivo obtiene +5/+5 hasta el final del turno. De lo contrario, esa criatura obtiene +3/+3 hasta el final del turno.
Se lo comió todo: lo de fuera de la casa y lo de dentro, lo del granero y el establo, y también las gallinas y las cabras.
162 ELD • SPNils Hamm
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Not legal in any format.
Oracle Text (click to copy):
View this MTG card on Gatherer
10/4/2019 You choose a target creature as you cast Insatiable Appetite, but you don’t choose whether to sacrifice a Food until the spell resolves. 10/4/2019 If the target creature is an illegal target by the time Insatiable Appetite tries to resolve, the spell won’t resolve. You won’t sacrifice a Food. 10/4/2019 If an effect refers to a Food, it means any Food artifact, not just a Food artifact token. For example, you can sacrifice Gingerbrute to activate the last ability of Tempting Witch.
Card Insatiable Appetite is not on TCGPlayer.