C19Commander 2019

Scarica di Guerratempesta (IT Warstorm Surge)

Scarica di Guerratempesta from Commander 2019
Scarica di Guerratempesta from Commander 2019

Incantesimo   {5}{R} (CMC:6)

Ogniqualvolta una creatura entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, infligge danno pari alla sua forza a un qualsiasi bersaglio.

"Ascoltate il rombo! Sentite il tuono! L'Immersturm urla la sua approvazione con ogni fulmine!"

155 C19 • ITRaymond Swanland

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Singleton 100,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
The creature that entered the battlefield deals damage equal to its current power to the targeted creature or player. If it's no longer on the battlefield, its last known existence on the battlefield is checked to determine its power.
Warstorm Surge is the source of the ability, but the creature is the source of the damage. The ability couldn't target a creature with protection from red, for example. It could target a creature with protection from creatures, but all the damage would be prevented. Since damage is dealt by the creature, abilities like lifelink, deathtouch and infect are taken into account, even if the creature has left the battlefield by the time it deals damage.

Card Warstorm Surge is not on TCGPlayer.