C19Commander 2019

Planes secretos (SP Secret Plans)

Planes secretos from Commander 2019
Planes secretos from Commander 2019

Encantamiento   {G}{U} (CMC:2)

Las criaturas que controlas que están boca abajo obtienen +0/+1. Siempre que un permanente que controlas se ponga boca arriba, roba una carta.

Los ráksasa comercian con secretos y amasan riquezas revelándolos con cautela.

201 C19 • SPDaarken

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Khans of Tarkir Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
As soon as a creature turns face up, it loses the +0/+1 from Secret Plans. If damage marked on that creature is equal to or greater than its new toughness, the creature will be destroyed.

Card Secret Plans is not on TCGPlayer.