Commander 2019 Bloodhall Priest > < Trail of Mystery
Mutación de la biomasa (SP Biomass Mutation)
Instantáneo (CMC:2)
Las criaturas que controlas tienen una fuerza y resistencia base de X/X hasta el final del turno.
"¿Una regresión a las viejas costumbres? ¿Un indicio de evoluciones futuras? ¿O una fugaz alteración del presente?". —Vorel del Clado de la Vaina
187 C19 • SPDan Scott
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Extended,Return to Ravnica Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Tribal Wars Standard,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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1/24/2013 Choosing 0 as the value for X will likely cause creatures you control to become 0/0 and be put into the graveyard. 1/24/2013 Biomass Mutation overwrites any effects that set the power and/or toughness of a creature you control to a specific value. Effects that modify power and/or toughness but don't set them to a specific value (like the one created by Giant Growth), power/toughness changes from counters, and effects that switch a creature's power and toughness will continue to apply. For example, say you control a 1/1 creature that's getting +4/+2 from an Aura, has a +1/+1 counter on it, and is affected by an effect that switches its power and toughness. This creature is 4/6. If you cast Biomass Mutation with X equal to 4, the creature would become 7/9 (4/4, +4/+2 from the Aura, +1/+1 from the counter, then switch power and toughness).
Card Biomass Mutation is not on TCGPlayer.