Modern Horizons Umezawa's Charm > < Smiting Helix
Cacciagole (IT Throatseeker)

Creatura — Ninja Vampiro 
I Ninja attaccanti non bloccati che controlli hanno legame vitale.
"Ho appena sentito una goccia. Credo stia per piovere." —Venditore del Mercato di Vicolo della Pietra, ultime parole
110 MH1 • ITDmitry Burmak
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Not legal in any format.
Oracle Text (click to copy):
View this MTG card on Gatherer
6/14/2019 Throatseeker’s effect applies only after blockers have been declared. Before then, attacking creatures are neither blocked nor unblocked. 6/14/2019 If an unblocked attacking Ninja you control leaves combat (most likely because the combat phase has ended), it no longer has lifelink.
Card Throatseeker is not on TCGPlayer.