Modern Horizons Defile > < Crypt Rats
Invierno crudo (SP Dead of Winter)
Conjuro (CMC:3)
Todas las criaturas no nevadas obtienen -X/-X hasta el final del turno, donde X es la cantidad de permanentes nevados que controlas.
"Al fin: silencio". —Tevesh Szat
085 MH1 • SPZack Stella
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Not legal in any format.
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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6/14/2019 The value of X is determined only as Dead of Winter begins to resolve. It won’t change later in the turn if the number of snow permanents you control changes. 6/14/2019 Dead of Winter affects only creatures that aren’t snow creatures at the time it resolves. Creatures that enter the battlefield later in the turn won’t get -X/-X.
Card Dead of Winter is not on TCGPlayer.