War of the Spark Heartwarming Redemption > < Feather, the Redeemed
환하게 빛나는 감독관 (KR Gleaming Overseer)
생물 — 좀비 마법사 (CMC:3)
환하게 빛나는 감독관이 전장에 들어올 때, 축적 1을 한다. (당신이 조종하는 군대 한 개에 +1/+1 카운터 한 개를 올려놓는다. 당신이 군대를 조종하고 있지 않다면, 먼저 0/0 흑색 좀비 군대 생물 토큰 한 개를 만든다.) 당신이 조종하는 좀비 토큰들은 방호와 호전적을 가진다.
198 WAR • KRVolkan Baga
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Pioneer,Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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5/3/2019 Army is a new creature type. It’s possible to control a nontoken Army (perhaps a creature with the changeling ability) and, through combinations of other cards, it’s possible to control multiple Army tokens. When instructed to amass, you may put +1/+1 counters on any of your Army creatures, and you may choose a different one each time. 5/3/2019 If you don’t control an Army, the Zombie Army token that you create enters the battlefield as a 0/0 creature. Any abilities that trigger when a creature with a certain power enters the battlefield, such as that of Mentor of the Meek, will see the token enter as a 0/0 creature before it gets +1/+1 counters. 5/3/2019 Some cards that cause you to amass also provide bonuses to “Zombie tokens.” These affect any token that happens to be a Zombie, not just a Zombie Army you’ve amassed.
Card Gleaming Overseer is not on TCGPlayer.