WARWar of the Spark

Jumeaux de la Horde de l'effroi (FR Dreadhorde Twins)

Jumeaux de la Horde de l'effroi from War of the Spark
Jumeaux de la Horde de l'effroi from War of the Spark

Créature : zombie et chacal et guerrier   {3}{R} (CMC:4)

Quand les Jumeaux de la Horde de l'effroi arrivent sur le champ de bataille, amassez 2. (Mettez deux marqueurs +1/+1 sur une armée que vous contrôlez. Si vous n'en contrôlez pas, créez d'abord un jeton de créature 0/0 noire Zombie et Armée.) Les jetons Zombie que vous contrôlez ont le piétinement.

126 WAR • FRJohannes Voss

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Pioneer,Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

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Army is a new creature type. It’s possible to control a nontoken Army (perhaps a creature with the changeling ability) and, through combinations of other cards, it’s possible to control multiple Army tokens. When instructed to amass, you may put +1/+1 counters on any of your Army creatures, and you may choose a different one each time.
If you don’t control an Army, the Zombie Army token that you create enters the battlefield as a 0/0 creature. Any abilities that trigger when a creature with a certain power enters the battlefield, such as that of Mentor of the Meek, will see the token enter as a 0/0 creature before it gets +1/+1 counters.
Some cards that cause you to amass also provide bonuses to “Zombie tokens.” These affect any token that happens to be a Zombie, not just a Zombie Army you’ve amassed.

Card Dreadhorde Twins is not on TCGPlayer.