M19Core Set 2019

智龍阿卡迪 (CT Arcades, the Strategist)

智龍阿卡迪 from Core Set 2019
智龍阿卡迪 from Core Set 2019

傳奇生物 ~ - 長老/龍   {1}{G}{W}{U} (CMC:4)

飛行,警戒 每當一個具守軍異能的生物在你的操控下進戰場時,抽一張牌。 每個由你操控且具守軍異能的生物皆依照其防禦力來分配戰鬥傷害,而不是依照力量;且能視同不具守軍異能地進行攻擊。

212 M19 • CTEven Amundsen

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Pioneer,Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
Arcades’s last ability doesn’t actually change any creature’s power. It changes only the amount of combat damage it assigns. All other rules and effects that check power or toughness use the real values. For example, Rabid Bite won’t cause a creature to deal damage equal to its toughness.
If Arcades leaves the battlefield after a creature with defender has attacked, that creature remains an attacking creature, although it will assign damage equal to its power.

Card Arcades, the Strategist is not on TCGPlayer.