Hour of Devastation Solemnity > < Sandblast
구원의 은총 (KR Saving Grace)
부여마법 — 마법진 (CMC:2)
섬광 당신이 조종하는 생물에게 부여 구원의 은총이 전장에 들어올 때, 이 턴에 당신과 당신이 조종하는 지속물에게 입혀지려 하는 모든 피해는 대신 부여된 생물에게 입혀진다. 부여된 생물은 +0/+3을 받는다.
021 HOU • KRMcLean Kendree
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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6/27/2017 Saving Grace’s ability has no effect on damage already dealt earlier in the turn. 6/27/2017 If Saving Grace leaves the battlefield during the turn its triggered ability resolved, damage will continue to be redirected to the creature it enchanted before it left the battlefield. If the creature Saving Grace was last attached to isn’t on the battlefield or isn’t a creature at the time damage would be dealt, it won’t be redirected. 6/27/2017 More damage can be redirected to the enchanted creature than it has toughness, as long as that damage is all dealt at once (like combat damage is). 6/27/2017 Saving Grace’s redirection effect doesn’t change the source of the damage or whether the damage is combat damage. 6/27/2017 If you have more than one Saving Grace enter the battlefield in one turn, all damage that would be dealt at once to you and/or permanents you control is dealt to one of the enchanted creatures of your choice. It’s not dealt to all of them, and you can’t split the damage between them. 6/27/2017 If noncombat damage would be dealt to a planeswalker you control, the planeswalker redirection effect and Saving Grace’s redirection effect apply in whichever order you choose. However, no matter which order you choose to apply them in, that damage will be dealt to the enchanted creature instead.
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