Amonkhet Glory-Bound Initiate > < Gideon of the Trials
Intervention de Gideon (FR Gideon's Intervention)
Enchantement (CMC:4)
Au moment où l'Intervention de Gideon arrive sur le champ de bataille, choisissez un nom de carte. Vos adversaires ne peuvent pas lancer de sorts du nom choisi. Prévenez toutes les blessures qui devraient être infligées à vous et aux permanents que vous contrôlez par des sources du nom choisi.
015 AKH • FRDaarken
™ & © 1993— Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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4/18/2017 You may choose the name of a land card. Cards with that name can still be played (since lands are never cast), but damage they would deal to you and your permanents will be prevented. 4/18/2017 If you choose the name of a split card, you choose one name, not both. For example, you could name Failure or Comply, but not Failure // Comply. Opponents are still allowed to cast the half you didn’t choose. 4/18/2017 You must choose the name of a card, not the name of a token. For example, you can’t choose “Zombie” or “Ragavan.” However, if a token happens to have the same name as a card (such as an embalmed creature token), you can choose it. 4/18/2017 There are many important moments in the story, but the most crucial—called “story spotlights”—are shown on cards. You can read more about these events in the official Magic fiction at
Card Gideon's Intervention is not on TCGPlayer.