
Mantícora perforacorazones (SP Heart-Piercer Manticore)

Mantícora perforacorazones from Amonkhet
Mantícora perforacorazones from Amonkhet

Criatura — Mantícora   {2}{R}{R} (CMC:4)

Cuando la Mantícora perforacorazones entre al campo de batalla, puedes sacrificar otra criatura. Cuando lo hagas, la Mantícora perforacorazones hace daño a la criatura o jugador objetivo igual a la fuerza de esa criatura. Embalsamar {5}{R}. ({5}{R}, exiliar esta carta de tu cementerio: Crea una ficha que es una copia de esta carta, excepto que es una Mantícora Zombie blanca sin coste de maná. Activa la habilidad de embalsamar solo como un conjuro.)

138 AKH • SPScott Murphy

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

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The sacrificed creature’s last known existence on the battlefield is checked to determine its power.
You can’t sacrifice multiple creatures to deal damage multiple times.
Heart-Piercer Manticore features a new style of triggered ability. When it enters the battlefield, its triggered ability goes on the stack without a target. While that ability is resolving, you may sacrifice a creature. If you do, a second ability triggers and you pick a target creature or player that will be dealt damage. This is different from other abilities that say “If you do . . .” in that players may cast spells and activate abilities before a creature is sacrificed and then again after the creature is sacrificed but before damage is dealt.
Heart-Piercer Manticore’s damage-dealing ability triggers only when you sacrifice a creature as a result of the instruction of its triggered ability. It won’t trigger if you sacrifice a creature for any other reason.
For each card with embalm, a corresponding game play supplement token can be found in some Amonkhet booster packs. These supplements are not required to play with cards with embalm; you can use the same items to represent an embalmed token as you would any other token.
The token copies exactly what was printed on the original card and nothing else. It doesn’t copy any information about the object the card was before it was put into your graveyard.
The token is a Zombie in addition to its other types and is white instead of its other colors. It has no mana cost, and thus its converted mana cost is 0. These are copiable values of the token that other effects may copy.
If the card copied by the token had any “when [this permanent] enters the battlefieldabilities, then the token also has those abilities and will trigger them when it’s created. Similarly, any “as [this permanent] enters the battlefield” or “[this permanent] enters the battlefield with” abilities that the token has copied will also work.

Card Heart-Piercer Manticore is not on TCGPlayer.