C16Commander 2016

Huesotesoro (SP Bonehoard)

Huesotesoro from Commander 2016
Huesotesoro from Commander 2016

Artefacto — Equipo   {4} (CMC:4)

Arma viviente. (Cuando este equipo entre al campo de batalla, crea una ficha de criatura Germen negra 0/0 y luego anéxalo a ella.) La criatura equipada obtiene +X/+X, donde X es la cantidad de cartas de criatura en todos los cementerios. Equipar {2}.

245 C16 • SPChippy

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Scars of Mirrodin Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Singleton 100,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

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The value of X is calculated continuously as the number of creature cards in graveyards changes.
If there are no creature cards in any graveyard when Bonehoard's living weapon ability resolves, the Germ will be 0/0 and put into its owner's graveyard.
Although creature tokens go to the graveyard before ceasing to exist, they never count as creature cards and won't increase the bonus granted by Bonehoard, however briefly.
If lethal damage is dealt simultaneously to the equipped creature and another creature, both creatures are put into the graveyard at the same time. The equipped creature won't get an additional bonus from the other creature.

Card Bonehoard is not on TCGPlayer.