C16Commander 2016

牙卫队长 (CS Tuskguard Captain)

牙卫队长 from Commander 2016
牙卫队长 from Commander 2016

生物~ - 人类/战士   {2}{G} (CMC:3)

延生{G}{G}{T}:在此生物上放置一个+1/+1指示物。延生的时机视同法术。) 每个由你操控且其上有+1/+1指示物的生物都具有践踏异能。


173 C16 • CSAaron Miller

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Khans of Tarkir Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
The cost to activate a creature’s outlast ability includes the tap symbol ({T}). A creature’s outlast ability can’t be activated unless that creature has been under your control continuously since the beginning of your turn.
Several creatures with outlast also grant an ability to creatures you control with +1/+1 counters on them, including themselves. These counters could come from an outlast ability, but any +1/+1 counter on the creature will count.

Card Tuskguard Captain is not on TCGPlayer.