Shadows over Innistrad Reduce to Ashes > < Pyre Hound
Buscasangre voraz (SP Ravenous Bloodseeker)
Criatura — Berserker vampiro (CMC:2)
Descartar una carta: El Buscasangre voraz obtiene +2/-2 hasta el final del turno.
"Nada apaciguará el fuego en su sangre. Están más que perdidos. Debemos mantenerlos alejados de nuestros pueblos cueste lo que cueste." —Cosper Lowe de la Guardia de Silbern
175 SOI • SPJames Ryman
™ & © 1993—2016 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Shadows over Innistrad Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
View this MTG card on Gatherer
4/8/2016 You can activate Ravenous Bloodseeker’s ability any number of times to discard several cards. It will be put into its owner’s graveyard once its toughness is 0 or less. Any other instances of the ability still on the stack will resolve with no effect.
Card Ravenous Bloodseeker is not on TCGPlayer.