Shadows over Innistrad Seasons Past > < Root Out
Lobisomem da Fome Ancestral (PT Werewolf of Ancient Hunger) [flip]
Sábia do Conhecimento Ancestral (PT Sage of Ancient Lore) [flip]
Criatura — Lobisomem
Vigilância, atropelar O poder e a resistência de Lobisomem da Fome Ancestral são ambos iguais ao número total de cards nas mãos de todos os jogadores. No início de cada manutenção, se um jogador tiver conjurado duas ou mais mágicas no último turno, transforme Lobisomem da Fome Ancestral.
225b SOI • PTSlawomir Maniak
™ & © 1993—2016 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Shadows over Innistrad Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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4/8/2016 The abilities that transform a Werewolf back and forth look at the entire previous turn, even if the Werewolf with that ability wasn’t on the battlefield for some or all of that turn. 4/8/2016 To trigger the Werewolf’s back face’s transform ability, a single player must have cast two or more spells during the previous turn. If multiple players each cast just one spell during the previous turn, the ability won’t trigger.
Card Werewolf of Ancient Hunger is not on TCGPlayer.
Criatura — Humano Xamã Lobisomem (CMC:5)
O poder e a resistência de Sábia do Conhecimento Ancestral são ambos iguais ao número de cards em sua mão. Quando Sábia do Conhecimento Ancestral entrar no campo de batalha, compre um card. No início de cada manutenção, se nenhuma mágica foi conjurada no último turno, transforme Sábia do Conhecimento Ancestral.
225a SOI • PTSlawomir Maniak
™ & © 1993—2016 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Shadows over Innistrad Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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4/8/2016 If you have no cards in hand after Sage of Ancient Lore enters the battlefield, it will be put into your graveyard before its first triggered ability resolves. You’ll draw a card, but Sage of Ancient Lore will already be gone. 4/8/2016 The abilities that transform a Werewolf back and forth look at the entire previous turn, even if the Werewolf with that ability wasn’t on the battlefield for some or all of that turn. 4/8/2016 For more information on double-faced cards, see the Shadows over Innistrad mechanics article (
Card Sage of Ancient Lore is not on TCGPlayer.