Shadows over Innistrad Mad Prophet > < Kessig Forgemaster
Machado Relampejante (PT Lightning Axe)
Mágica Instantânea (CMC:1)
Como custo adicional para conjurar Machado Relampejante, descarte um card ou pague . Machado Relampejante causa 5 pontos de dano à criatura alvo.
Espíritos perturbados pelos invocadores de carniçais se tornam geists movidos por uma fúria incessante.
170 SOI • PTJason A. Engle
™ & © 1993—2016 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Shadows over Innistrad Block,Time Spiral Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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9/25/2006 This has an additional cost with an option. Essentially, the card’s cost to cast is either or and a discard. But its mana cost is always and its converted mana cost is always 1. 4/8/2016 The converted mana cost of Lightning Axe is 1, independent of which additional cost you paid.
Card Lightning Axe is not on TCGPlayer.