Shadows over Innistrad Equestrian Skill > < Deathcap Cultivator
生物~ - 狼人
你施放的生物咒語減少來施放。 在每個維持開始時,若某玩家上回合施放了兩個或更多咒語,轉化展爪嚎狼。
203b SOI • CTCraig J Spearing
™ & © 1993—2016 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Shadows over Innistrad Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
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4/8/2016 Krallenhorde Howler’s first ability can only reduce the generic mana portion of a creature spell’s cost. 4/8/2016 Krallenhorde Howler’s first ability can reduce alternative costs such as madness costs. 4/8/2016 The abilities that transform a Werewolf back and forth look at the entire previous turn, even if the Werewolf with that ability wasn’t on the battlefield for some or all of that turn. 4/8/2016 To trigger the Werewolf’s back face’s transform ability, a single player must have cast two or more spells during the previous turn. If multiple players each cast just one spell during the previous turn, the ability won’t trigger.
Card Krallenhorde Howler is not on TCGPlayer.
生物~ - 人類/戰士/狼人 (CMC:2)
:檢視你牌庫頂的三張牌。你可以展示其中的一張生物牌,並將其置於你手上。將其餘的牌以任意順序置於你牌庫底。 在每個維持開始時,若上回合沒有任一咒語施放過,轉化暮巡班招募官。
203a SOI • CTCraig J Spearing
™ & © 1993—2016 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Shadows over Innistrad Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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4/8/2016 You can activate Duskwatch Recruiter’s first ability in response to its triggered ability. 4/8/2016 The abilities that transform a Werewolf back and forth look at the entire previous turn, even if the Werewolf with that ability wasn’t on the battlefield for some or all of that turn. 4/8/2016 For more information on double-faced cards, see the Shadows over Innistrad mechanics article (
Card Duskwatch Recruiter is not on TCGPlayer.