Oath of the Gatewatch Havoc Sower > < Essence Depleter
Gavinhas Esfoladoras (PT Flaying Tendrils)
Feitiço (CMC:3)
Desprovido (Este card não tem cor.) Todas as criaturas recebem -2/-2 até o final do turno. Se uma criatura morreria neste turno, em vez disso, exile-a.
Eles lutavam contra um único Eldrazi, e mesmo assim os defensores estavam em menor número.
070 OGW • PTSlawomir Maniak
™ & © 1993—2016 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Battle for Zendikar Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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1/22/2016 Only creatures that are on the battlefield as Flaying Tendrils resolves will get -2/-2. However, any creature that would die that turn will be exiled, even if it wasn’t on the battlefield or wasn’t a creature as Flaying Tendrils resolved. 1/22/2016 Creatures that Flaying Tendrils would cause to die will be exiled instead. The game doesn’t check to see which creatures die until after Flaying Tendrils has finished resolving.
Card Flaying Tendrils is not on TCGPlayer.