OGWOath of the Gatewatch

卑劣减损体 (CS Vile Redeemer)

卑劣减损体 from Oath of the Gatewatch
卑劣减损体 from Oath of the Gatewatch

生物~ - 奥札奇   {2}{G} (CMC:3)

虚色(此牌没有颜色。) 闪现 当你施放卑劣减损体时,你可以支付{C}。若你如此作,则本回合中每有一个非衍生物的生物在你的操控下死去,便将一个1/1无色奥札奇/孽裔衍生生物放进战场。它们具有「牺牲此生物:加{C}到你的法术力池中。」

125 OGW • CSJason Rainville

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Battle for Zendikar Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

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Vile Redeemer’s last ability will count any nontoken creature that died while under your control, even if you weren’t the creature’s owner. It doesn’t matter where the card is as the ability resolves. It doesn’t have to still be in a graveyard.
Vile Redeemer’s last ability won’t count nontoken creatures that didn’t go to a graveyard because of a replacement effect (for example, a creature that was exiled or went to the command zone instead).

Card Vile Redeemer is not on TCGPlayer.