Magic Origins Acolyte of the Inferno > < Weight of the Underworld
케랄 요새 수도원장 (KR Abbot of Keral Keep)
생물 — 인간 승려 (CMC:2)
기량 (당신이 생물이 아닌 주문을 발동할 때마다, 이 생물은 턴종료까지 +1/+1을 받는다.)케랄 요새 수도원장이 전장에 들어올 때, 당신의 서고 맨 위의 카드를 추방한다. 턴종료까지, 당신은 그 카드를 플레이할 수 있다.
127 ORI • KRDeruchenko Alexander
™ & © 1993—2015 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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6/22/2015 The card exiled by Abbot of Keral Keep’s ability is exiled face up. 6/22/2015 You may play that card that turn even if Abbot of Keral Keep is no longer on the battlefield or under your control. 6/22/2015 Playing the card exiled with Abbot of Keral Keep’s ability follows the normal rules for playing that card. You must pay its costs, and you must follow all applicable timing rules. For example, if the card is a creature card, you can cast that card by paying its mana cost only during your main phase while the stack is empty. 6/22/2015 Unless an effect allows you to play additional lands that turn, you can play a land card exiled with Abbot of Keral Keep’s ability only if you haven’t played a land yet that turn. 6/22/2015 If you don’t play the card, it will remain exiled. 6/22/2015 Any spell you cast that doesn’t have the type creature will cause prowess to trigger. If a spell has multiple types, and one of those types is creature (such as an artifact creature), casting it won’t cause prowess to trigger. Playing a land also won’t cause prowess to trigger. 6/22/2015 Prowess goes on the stack on top of the spell that caused it to trigger. It will resolve before that spell. 6/22/2015 Once it triggers, prowess isn’t connected to the spell that caused it to trigger. If that spell is countered, prowess will still resolve.
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