Ugin's Fate Promos Fierce Invocation > < Ainok Tracker
Lichtbogen (DE Arc Lightning)
Hexerei (CMC:3)
Der Lichtbogen fügt 3 Schadenspunkte zu, deren Aufteilung auf ein, zwei oder drei Ziele deiner Wahl, die Kreaturen und/oder Spieler sein können, du bestimmst.
Das Licht leuchtet dem Drachen den Weg.
097 UFP • DESeb McKinnon
™ & © 1993—2015 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Khans of Tarkir Block,Urza Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
View this MTG card on Gatherer
9/20/2014 You choose how many targets Arc Lightning has and how the damage is divided as you cast the spell. Each target must receive at least 1 damage. 9/20/2014 If some of the creatures are illegal targets as Arc Lightning tries to resolve, the original division of damage still applies but no damage is dealt to the illegal targets. If all targets are illegal, Arc Lightning is countered.
Card Arc Lightning is not on TCGPlayer.