Khans of Tarkir Avalanche Tusker > < Ankle Shanker
Cuerpo de infantería (SP Armament Corps)
Criatura — Soldado humano (CMC:5)
Cuando el Cuerpo de infantería entre al campo de batalla, distribuye dos contadores +1/+1 entre una o dos criaturas objetivo que controlas.
Los Abzan evitan las largas líneas de suministros incorporando armerías en sus formaciones de batalla.
165 KTK • SPSteven Belledin — watermark: Abzan
™ & © 1993—2014 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Khans of Tarkir Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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9/20/2014 The enters-the-battlefield ability can target Armament Corps itself. 9/20/2014 You choose how the counters will be distributed as you put the ability on the stack. Notably, if you choose to put one +1/+1 counter on each of two target creatures, and one of those creatures becomes an illegal target in response, the +1/+1 counter that would’ve gone on that creature is lost. It can’t be put on the remaining legal target.
Card Armament Corps is not on TCGPlayer.