Dragon's Maze Trostani's Summoner > < Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts
십일조 섭취자 (KR Tithe Drinker)
생물 — 흡혈귀 (CMC:2)
생명연결 (이 생물이 피해를 입히면, 당신은 그 피해만큼의 생명점을 얻는다.) 착취 (당신이 주문을 발동할 때마다 당신은 를 지불할 수 있다. 그렇게 한다면, 각 상대는 생명 1점을 잃고 당신은 그만큼의 생명점을 얻는다.)
109 DGM • KRSlawomir Maniak — watermark: Orzhov
™ & © 1993—2013 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Return to Ravnica Block,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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4/15/2013 You may pay a maximum of one time for each extort triggered ability. You decide whether to pay when the ability resolves. 4/15/2013 The amount of life you gain from extort is based on the total amount of life lost, not necessarily the number of opponents you have. For example, if your opponent's life total can't change (perhaps because that player controls Platinum Emperion), you won't gain any life. 4/15/2013 The extort ability doesn't target any player.
Card Tithe Drinker is not on TCGPlayer.