PC2Planechase 2012

Distorsione Temporale (IT Time Distortion)

Distorsione Temporale from Planechase 2012
Distorsione Temporale from Planechase 2012


Quando incontri la Distorsione Temporale, inverti l'ordine del turno di gioco. (Per esempio, se la partita procedeva in senso orario intorno al tavolo, ora procede in senso antiorario. Poi viaggia tra i piani da questo fenomeno.)

8 PC2 • ITrk post

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
This effect reverses the turn order established at the beginning of the game. While the order is reversed, anything that cares about this order (such as determining in what order choices are made) will use the new reversed
If the game's turn order is reversed again, it will return to the default order used at the beginning of the game.

Card Time Distortion is not on TCGPlayer.