PC2Planechase 2012

Akoum (DE Akoum)

Akoum from Planechase 2012
Akoum from Planechase 2012

Welt — Zendikar   

Alle Spieler können Verzauberungskarten wirken, als ob sie Aufblitzen hätten. Immer wenn du chaos würfelst, zerstöre eine Kreatur deiner Wahl, die nicht verzaubert ist.

9 PC2 • DERob Alexander

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Legacy,Vintage,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
A creature that's enchanted can't be chosen as the target of the chaos ability.
If a creature that isn't enchanted is targeted by the chaos ability, but that creature is enchanted when that ability tries to resolve, the ability will be countered for having an illegal target.

Card Akoum is not on TCGPlayer.