SOMScars of Mirrodin

Planador de Aerovelas (PT Snapsail Glider)

Planador de Aerovelas from Scars of Mirrodin
Planador de Aerovelas from Scars of Mirrodin

Criatura Artefato — Constructo   {3} (CMC:3)

Maestria com Metais — Planador de Aerovelas terá voar enquanto você controlar três ou mais artefatos.

Construído a partir de um debulhador reconfigurado, ele ataca com luz refletida do descampado dourado, pronto para alçar voo em caso de perigo.

203 SOM • PTEfrem Palacios — watermark: Mirran

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Extended,Scars of Mirrodin Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

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For the purposes of combat, whether Snapsail Glider has flying is relevant only as the declare blockers step begins. If an attacking Snapsail Glider without flying becomes blocked, gaining control of enough artifacts to cause it to have flying won't change that. Similarly, if a Snapsail Glider with flying blocks another creature with flying, losing control of enough artifacts to cause the Glider to lose flying won't change that.

Card Snapsail Glider is not on TCGPlayer.