Worldwake Akoum Battlesinger > < Tomb Hex
Drang zu trinken (DE Urge to Feed)
Spontanzauber (CMC:2)
Eine Kreatur deiner Wahl erhält -3/-3 bis zum Ende des Zuges. Du kannst eine beliebige Anzahl ungetappter Vampir-Kreaturen, die du kontrollierst, tappen. Falls du dies tust, lege eine +1/+1-Marke auf jeden dieser Vampire.
70 WWK • DEJohann Bodin
™ & © 1993—2010 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Legacy,Vintage,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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3/1/2010 You don't choose which untapped Vampire creatures you control to tap (if any) until Urge to Feed resolves. 3/1/2010 If you cast Urge to Feed targeting an untapped Vampire creature you control with toughness 3, its toughness will be reduced to 0 by the -3/-3 effect. However, state-based actions aren't checked until the spell has finished resolving. You may then tap that Vampire and put a +1/+1 counter on it, raising its toughness to 1. It will remain on the battlefield. 3/1/2010 If the targeted creature is an illegal target by the time Urge to Feed resolves, the entire spell is countered. You can't tap any Vampires.
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