
Helm des Schauderfürsten (DE Helm of the Ghastlord)

Helm des Schauderfürsten from Shadowmoor
Helm des Schauderfürsten from Shadowmoor

Verzauberung - Aura   {3}{U/B} (CMC:4)

Kreaturenverzauberung Solange die verzauberte Kreatur blau ist, erhält sie +1/+1 und hat „Immer wenn diese Kreatur einem Gegner Schaden zufügt, ziehe eine Karte". Solange die verzauberte Kreatur schwarz ist, erhält sie +1/+1 und hat „Immer wenn diese Kreatur einem Gegner Schaden zufügt, wirft dieser Gegner eine Karte aus seiner Hand ab".

166 SHM • DEFranz Vohwinkel

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Lorwyn-Shadowmoor Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

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If the enchanted creature is both of the listed colors, it will get both bonuses.
With regards to the two triggered abilities that Helm of the Ghastlord grants to the enchanted creature, the point when damage is actually dealt is the only time it matters what color the creature is. If the creature is blue or black at that time, the appropriate ability or abilities will trigger. They'll resolve even if the creature changes color or loses its Aura.
The two abilities trigger when the enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent of the creature's controller, not when it deals damage to an opponent of the Helm's controller. They trigger from any damage, not just combat damage.

Card Helm of the Ghastlord is not on TCGPlayer.