Shadowmoor Ember Gale > < Deep-Slumber Titan
Познание Элементов (RU Elemental Mastery)
Чары - Аура (CMC:4)
Зачаровать существо Зачарованное существо имеет способность «: положите в игру X фишек существа 1/1 красный Элементаль с Ускорением, где X сила этого существа. Удалите их из игры в конце хода».
90 SHM • RUCyril Van Der Haegen
™ & © 1993—2008 Wizards of the Coast
Notes: TODO: Update Copyright
Legal in: Modern,Lorwyn-Shadowmoor Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander
Oracle Text (click to copy):
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5/1/2008 The enchanted creature's power is checked at the time the ability resolves. If the enchanted creature has left the battlefield by then, its last known information is used. 5/1/2008 The tokens will be exiled in the End step even if Elemental Mastery or the enchanted creature has left the battlefield by then. 5/1/2008 If the ability is activated after the current turn's End step has begun, the tokens won't be exiled until the next turn's End step.
Card Elemental Mastery is not on TCGPlayer.