
Bandito di Beone Puzzolente (IT Stinkdrinker Bandit)

Bandito di Beone Puzzolente from Morningtide
Bandito di Beone Puzzolente from Morningtide

Creatura - Farabutto Goblin   {3}{B} (CMC:4)

Predatore {1}{B} (Puoi giocare questa magia pagando il suo costo di predatore se hai inflitto danno da combattimento a un giocatore con un Farabutto o un Goblin in questo turno.) Ogniqualvolta un Farabutto che controlli attacca e non viene bloccato, prende +2/+1 fino alla fine del turno.

80 MOR • ITBrandon Dorman

Notes: TODO: Update Copyright

Legal in: Modern,Lorwyn-Shadowmoor Block,Legacy,Vintage,Freeform,Prismatic,Tribal Wars Legacy,Classic,Singleton 100,Commander

Oracle Text (click to copy):

View this MTG card on Gatherer
This ability triggers after blockers are declared during the declare blockers step. Each attacking Rogue you control gets +2/+1 if no creatures were assigned to block it. That creature will get the bonus even if an effect causes it to become blocked.
An ability that triggers when something "attacks and isn't blocked" triggers in the declare blockers step after blockers are declared if (1) that creature is attacking and (2) no creatures are declared to block it. It will trigger even if that creature was put onto the battlefield attacking rather than having been declared as an attacker in the declare attackers step.

Card Stinkdrinker Bandit is not on TCGPlayer.